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How To Fix Missing Swap Camera Button on ASUS Zenfone Selfie (Or Other Zenfone series)

A few days a go, my friend contacted me, asked for a favor. She told me that her ASUS Zenfone Selfie now didn't have the swap camera button, so she couldn't take any selfie picture anymore.

First thing, I suspect the camera apps, ASUS PixelMaster Camera, was corrupt or something. So I asked her to uninstall it first, reboot the phone, and reinstall the apps back to the phone.

ASUS PixelMaster Camera on PlayStore
And I asked her whether she saw any update required after installing the application. And yes, she saw it, and did what I told her. She updated the apps and then launch the camera apps. But nothing's changed, the swap camera button still missing.

Where's the swap camera button?
As we all know that the camera display should be looked like this.

The missing button
Still curious about what was really happen, because my wife's using ASUS Zenfone Selfie as well, but she didn't face any issue like this. So I tried to search any information about this issue, particularly on ASUS Zenfone Selfie, whether I found this issue happened to other Zenfone series as well. Then I saw this information.

Online Suggestion from authorized source
Even those instruction still fail to solve the problem. I thought, before she brought her device to ASC, better we try to find the problem and solve it. It's cheaper that way.

So, last shot! I asked her whether there are any system update that she hasn't installed yet. And yes! She answer me that there is one big system update that she didn't applied due to quota issue. So, I asked her to update the system, and then see what happened after that.

The system update took longer than I expected. Almost over 30 mins. I'm waiting for her response, and praying for the best. A couple of minutes later, she contacted me again. This problem solved! There was a bug in Lollipop, so the system update required to be applied to overcome this issue. Another happy ASUS Zenfone users, brightened up my days. You might see the rest of our chat here.

Our chat
Even though I was not a customer service nor technical support, but being able to help fellow Zenfone users made me feel worthy to become an underground ASUS Zenfone Brand Ambassador :p Nope! This was not real.. I'm just a fans.. ZenFans..

3 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. It depends on, how you search the tips to solve this kind of problem, and try them one by one ;)

    2. Have you try the solution above? If you have, then you have to make sure the camera hardware isn't broken. Try other app like WhatsApp or similar. Last resort, go to Asus Service Center. Thank you.
